Fabricación de productos de plástico
Productos y servicios
Fabricación de bandejas para repostería, precocinados y producto fresco.
Fabricación de envases y embalajes de plástico
Fabricación de envases y embalajes de plástico
Manufacture of plastic packing goods
The company is primarily engaged in the manufacture of thermoformed plastic containers for the food industry. The company was incorporated in November in the year 1988. The registered head office of the company is located in Logrono, Spain. The company specializes in the supply of a wide range of thermoformed plastic containers for pastries, pre-cooked and fresh food products. The company specializes in the processing of new or spent (i.e., recycled) plastics resins into intermediate or final products, using such processes as compression molding, extrusion molding, and injection molding, as well as blow molding and casting. The company predominantly operates in Spain.